***************************** *** *** *** VB class "seeClass" *** *** *** ***************************** seeClass.cls is a Visual Basic class library which makes calls to SEE32.DLL. For more details, examine the (text) file "seeClass.cls". Use with 32-bit Visual Basic (version 5.0 and above). Refer to project StatProj for an example of use. *** "StatProj" Example Application Start VB and choose "File", then "OpenProject", then "StatProj.vbp". *** Creating a New Application Start VB and choose "File", then "New", and "Standard EXE". Choose "Project", then "Add Module", then "SEE32.BAS". Choose "Project", then "Add Class Module", then "seeClass.cls". You are now ready to add code which uses seeClass. Don't forget to code Dim X As New seeClass After this, class properties and methods can be referenced. See "StatProj" for an example. *** CLASS METHODS *** Function fAttach(ByVal NbrChans As Long, ByVal KeyCode As Long) As Long Function fRelease() As Long Function fClose(ByVal Chan As Long) As Long Function fDebug(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal Index As Long) As Long Function fDeleteEmail(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal MsgNbr As Long) As Long Function fDriver(ByVal Chan As Long) As Long Function fErrorText(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal Code As Long) As Long Function fExtractText(ByVal Src As String, ByVal Text As String) As Long Function fGetEmailCount(ByVal Chan As Long) As Long Function fGetEmailFile(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal MsgNbr As Long, ByVal Filename As String, ByVal EmailDir As String, ByVal AttachDir As String) As Long Function fGetEmailLines(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal MsgNbr As Long, ByVal Lines As Long) As Long Function fGetEmailSize(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal MsgNbr As Long) As Long Function fIntegerParam(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Value As Long) As Long Function fPop3Connect(ByVal Chan As Long) As Long Function fSendEmail(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal Rcpt As String, ByVal CC As String, ByVal BCC As String, ByVal Subj As String, ByVal Msg As String, ByVal Attach As String) As Long Function fSmtpConnect(ByVal Chan As Long) As Long Function fStatistics(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal Index As Long) As Long Function fStringParam(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Value As String) As Long Function fVerifyFormat(ByVal EmailAddr As String) As Long Function fVerifyUser(ByVal Chan As Long, ByVal EmailAddr As String) As Long Function fEncodeBuffer(ByVal ClearBuf As String) As Long Function fDecodeBuffer(ByVal CodedBuf As String) As Long The functions fDebug, fErrorText, fExtractText, fGetEmailLines, fEncodeBuffer, and fDecodeBuffer also set the Work Buffer, which is retrieved using the 'ResultString' property. *** CLASS PROPERTIES *** All property value are of type STRING. --- Name --- --- Description --- --- Example --- Pop3HostName POP3 host name "mail.hiwaay.net" Pop3Password POP3 user password "qwerty" Pop3UserName POP3 user name "mike" SmtpReplyTo SMTP "Reply-To:" "" SmtpFrom SMTP "From:" address "" SmtpHostName SMTP host name "mail.hiwaay.net" ResultString Resultant string. The "ResultString" property is used to return string information to the caller after calling methods fDebug, fErrorText, fExtractText, fGetEmailLines, fEncodeBuffer, and fDecodeBuffer. [END]